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Product Description

Title of Original Illustration:  Kozak

Medium:  Watercolour and Pencil Crayon

There is tremendous pride expressed by young boys who are so determined to master the breathtaking feats of the Ukrainian Kozak.  My son and other students who were so proud to show me their new “tricks” they had just mastered inspired this illustration!  The Zaporozhian Kozak has long been romanticized as idealizing freedom and resistance.  Their military exploits against their enemies resulted as incredible acrobatic feats, which were often danced around the late night campfire as a display of strength and a means to out do any one else.  (Central Ukraine costume)

Additional Information

Size Selections

(Color) 5×7 Matte – Image 3×5, (Color) 8×10 Matte – Image 5×7, (Color) 11×14 Matte – Image 8×10,

Matte Options

White with Inner Red, White with Inner Black, Black on Black,